Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall-ing in Love (With Life)

I absolutely love this time of the year. School is in full swing, friends are back in town, and there’s just a certain festivity in the air with all the holidays coming up. Recently, I’ve been pretty busy studying for my upcoming GRE, working on grad school apps, as well as maintaining my school work and leadership role in my club. However, I’m finding that everything is a lot easier to handle when you make time to simply enjoy yourself. 

In almost every single phone conversation I have with my grandma, she reminds me, “Sweetie, you need to have balance.” And she’s completely right. It can get overwhelming when you’re constantly thinking about what’s next and projecting yourself into future situations. So instead, I take everything one step at a time and remind myself the purpose of my actions. 

With Halloween coming up this Friday, I’m excited to dress up, be silly with friends, and have fun! Because regardless of how much stuff has to be done to prepare for the future, the present is happening right now, and I’m determined to make the most I can out of it. So let's go into this next week and season with the attitude of, "I'm going to accomplish my goals, and I'm also going to enjoy all the small things in life" - because those are some of the best. God bless. 



Sunday, August 10, 2014


Tomorrow, it will be 2 years since she passed. 

Even though it’s been a while, I can still hear the vibrant sound of her voice and the lightheartedness of her laugh. I miss the smell of her making eggs and toast in the morning. I miss seeing her walk up the driveway after she’d get her hair done on a Saturday, in her little black sweater and carrying her big black purse. I miss eating her hearty beef stew she made so well. I miss feeling the softness of her hands as she’d hold mine and ask how I was. I miss hearing her tell me as we parted, “I love you, God bless you, sleep with the angels,” and blowing me a kiss with her finger. I think what I miss the most about her, though, is her hugs and kisses - she gave the best hugs and kisses. 

She always supported me through everything, she was one of my biggest cheerleaders. I loved seeing her show up to my dance shows and my 8th grade graduation. I loved being able to call her when I was away at school, to listen to her voice, and to tell her about the new adventures I was having. It made me so happy that I was making her proud. Even though she’s gone, I can still feel how much she loved me - how much she loves me. Although time may pass and memories may fade, that is something I will never forget - her love. I cherish every moment I was able to spend with my Great-Grandma Pat. She really was the best. God bless.



Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Hi everyone!

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve made a post, hope you are enjoying summer and had a wonderful Fourth of July! As Americans, we live in an amazing country. Perfect? No, but we do have the ability to make our voices heard, stand up for what we believe in, and live the life that we choose. I love how there is no defining characteristic that makes a person “American,” because we truly are a melting pot of many different cultures. Through this great diversity, we learn more about where each other come from, and we accept one another for who we are. We create bonds with people who don’t look like us, talk like us, or think the same things. And I believe through those bonds, we are united in our shared values of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. We need to always remember that.

Anyways, I’ve been having a super fun summer! A couple weeks ago, I visited Denver, aka “The Mile High City,” taking my state count up to 5. I also went to Vegas and played a little roulette, which went surprisingly well...and was most likely beginner’s luck. This week I got work done, caught up with old friends, celebrated my little brother’s birthday, and did some fireworks with my family - which is always a BLAST. Summer seriously is the perfect time (especially if you’re on break from school like me) to just enjoy yourself. Go to the beach, see a movie, take an airplane ride to somewhere new - the possibilities are endless. Just make sure to include the people you love in your adventures, take pics, and have fun! God bless.



Sunday, June 8, 2014

I Believe I Can Fly

Hey everyone!

Want to hear something SUPER exciting?! I finally took my first plane ride today, and it was awesome! I’ll admit, the nerves did kick in when I was walking through that tunnel to get into the plane, but once I sat down, they faded away. As the plane started rolling, I immediately sat up in my seat and looked out the window as we came to the runway. My heart began to pick up speed as the plane did; it felt like I was going up a roller coaster! And then before I knew it, all the buildings were getting smaller and smaller, and I was soaring through the air with a huge smile on my face. For many of you who have done this before, it’s probably not a big deal. For me, however, this is something I’ve been wanting to do for such a long time, and I feel extremely happy and fulfilled. 

You may ask, where did my plane land? Well...I happen to be writing to you all from lovely Boston, Massachusetts! This town is so incredibly beautiful, and its rich history so profound for our country. The buildings are made of red brick with white windows, the Charles River is bustling with sailboats, and Cambridge Square is poppin’ with people. I even went to Harvard, and that was insanely cool considering it’s one of the most renowned universities in the country. Overall, I’ve been enjoying my time here with wonderful people, and I feel very blessed. Totally embracing this life experience. Sending my love from the east coast! God bless.



Sunday, June 1, 2014

For Jessica

Hey everyone!

Sorry I’ve been MIA for a couple weeks, I’ve been super busy. Today, however, deserves a blog post. You know how life has its ups and downs? Well this weekend has definitely been an emotional roller coaster.

Yesterday, a beautiful girl named Jessica passed away. This amazing person, my friend, had so much life in her. She exuded brightness and love. It was so unexpected to me; I hadn’t seen her in a while, and I didn’t know her health was failing her so quickly. It has been terribly difficult for me to comprehend why this happened. Although I may not know why she had to go so soon, I do know that her time here on earth was well spent. She touched so many lives through her sweet personality and endearing heart, and I think if one person can have that much of an effect on so many people, that’s a pretty profound life right there. I love you Jessica, thank you for your constant kindness and love for others. I know we will see each other again one day. 

As much as my heart ached yesterday, I was reminded of the preciousness of time, and of life. Crazy, unexpected things can happen, be it good or bad. The fact is that we just don’t know when, where, or under what circumstances events will occur that can ultimately alter the course of our journeys. That’s why I believe it is so important to never to take for granted what we have, especially the people we love who surround us. Each and every day we get is a gift, full of potential for us to be kind and make a difference. Life will throw us curveballs, but what’s important is that we keep our chins up, and keep steppin’. God bless.



Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why Mother's Day?

“Do your laundry.” “Eat your vegetables.” “You’re not wearing that out, are you?” “I told you so”. These are just a few of the phrases you might have heard your mother tell you at some point in time. Today is Mother’s Day, but why do mothers have their own special day in the first place?  I mean, all they seem to do is nag and make our lives so much more difficult than they really need to be...right? 

First off, they would always get on us to do those annoying chores around the house. If we didn’t make our beds, if we didn’t wash the dishes, if we didn’t clean the bathrooms, we would not hear the end of it until it was done, and done well for that matter. And what about the way they would yell, over and over, until we finally did whatever it was they asked us to do. They grounded us when we didn’t get good grades or came home past our curfew. Even now, they scold us when we make bad choices, and they pester us until we finally figure out how to solve our problems. Sometimes, they can just be so irritating when they act like they know it all and tell us what we should do and how we should live, like they know a thing or two about how the world works or something...

Hold up...hang on a second. Perhaps everything I just said IS the reason that mother’s deserve a special day of recognition. I believe their job is one of the hardest, most important ones out there, because mothers have the job of raising the people of the world. All of that time and energy they spend badgering us when we make mistakes and worrying about us when we don’t want them to is the source of our growth as individuals. 

So at this time, I would like to say from the bottom of my heart - thank you Mom. Thank you for making sure I got all my homework and chores done. Thank you for reminding me to eat healthy and take care of myself. Thank you for all the times you’ve yelled at me and punished me when I deserved it. Thank you for not tolerating any disrespect or defiance from my mouth. Because if you hadn’t, who knows where I'd be or what kind of person I'd be. Everything you’ve done has been for my own good. You’ve helped me to become a well-mannered, virtuous, decent human being, and maybe even then some. And finally, you’ve given me the tools I need to live a full, wonderful life. If I ever forget to remind you, just know that you are always appreciated and loved. 

And that is why there is a Mother's Day. Happy Mother’s Day everyone! God bless.



Sunday, May 4, 2014

Go For It.

Hey everyone!

If anybody knows about trying things out and getting rejected, it’s me. I definitely know how it feels to be told over and over that you didn’t make the cut for something, whether it's a job, a position in an organization, or even a relationship. Yeah, it’s not the best feeling, but the way I see it is this: if you don't give yourself the chance to succeed, you won't. It's better to try and not get something you want, than not try at all and think about what could have been. People might tell you no, but that's only their words. Who’s to say that you don’t have what it takes to accomplish your goals? A teacher once told me, “The only person who can stop you is YOU.” And it’s so true! By telling yourself you “can’t” do something or you’re “not good enough,” you already set yourself up for disappointment. I challenge you to convince yourself otherwise - that you ARE good enough, despite what ANYONE says or however many times you fail. Because, in the words of the gypsy-lady from “The Haunted Mansion” movie, “The only true failure is when you stop trying.” 

No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up! Let all of the rejections and “no’s” pump you up; let them get your blood boiling and your heart racing; let them make you even more determined to beat the odds. Life’s too short to sit around and wait for something good to happen to you. We have the ability to make our dreams a reality, we just need to believe it for ourselves. Take chances, take the falls as they come, and keep steppin'. Who knows, you might surprise yourself one day. Have an awesome week! God bless.



Sunday, April 27, 2014

Being Individual

Every single person is unique. We all come from different backgrounds with different experiences under our belts. Some grow up in nice households with a traditional family, some grow up in a broken family with a modest lifestyle, some grow up with close to nothing. Each of us is born into different circumstances that we have absolutely no control of, yet we are automatically classified into stereotypes generated by the societies we live in, based on the color of our skin, the amount of money we have, the status of our health, where we come from, our gender, and so much more. 

What I have come to believe, however, is that what matters most is how we choose define ourselves. Regardless of any of the “expectations” the world has for us, however antagonistic they may be, each of us as the right and the power to be whatever we want to be. If we adopt negative perceptions people have of us, we sacrifice who we truly are. Regardless of our past or however the cards were dealt to us, we always have the ability to embrace the beauty, uniqueness, and potential inside us all. 

I know this can be easier said then done. Based on what’s been in the news the past several days, for example, it’s no question that race still plays a huge part of how you are viewed in America. But regardless of the stereotypes or stigmas that may stand against you, nothing is more powerful than what you believe about yourself. You know who you are better than anyone else, and you decide what it is you stand for. Be yourself, do the things you love, and rise above whatever it is that tries to hold you back from being the person you want to be. Have a great week! God bless. 



Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Art of Being Kind

Happy Easter! Whether you celebrate this holiday or not, I hope you all had a wonderful day eating good food and surrounded by great company. 

Today, my topic is how kindness goes such a long way. Just the act of doing something nice for someone is quite awesome for two important reasons. First, you don’t know what the other person is going through. Maybe they’re doing just fine, but then again, maybe they’re not having the best day. Going out of your way to make someone happy, with no expectations to receive something in return, can mean a lot to that person. Even the most simple acts of kindness, like holding the door open for a busy mom or buying your friend’s cup of coffee, can remind someone that people care. The second reason is that it’s good for you. Although that might sound a little selfish, it’s actually not unreasonable. Being kind to people for the sake of just trying to be a good person is one of the ways we grow into becoming a wholesome individual. When we tap into our natural capacity to care for one another, we increase our tendency to see people in a more positive light. And when that happens, we see ourselves in a more positive light. 

So whether it’s towards a family member, friend, or a complete stranger, let’s try and spread the love this week. Imagine how much nicer the world would be if we all showed each other that we care. Who knows, your offer to help someone carry their heavy bags or even the warm smile you give to someone with a frown could completely turn their day around, or at the very least, make their day even better. Don’t ever underestimate the power of being kind! Because I believe that not only does it positively impact the people you're being kind to, it positively impacts your soul. Have a great week, go make somebody smile! God bless.



Sunday, April 13, 2014

We Are Family

Our parents get a lot of attention on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and rightly so because they have very special places in our hearts! But this past Thursday was National Siblings Day, a day to celebrate our brothers and sisters - people who I think deserve just as much attention. Because no matter how mad they can make us or how much they may annoy us sometimes, our siblings are without a doubt some of the best and most important people in our lives. 

They’re the people we grew up with and who know everything about us. From getting each other in trouble and being in trouble with each other, to sharing secret handshakes and inside jokes, we’ve seen and done it all with our siblings. They’re the people we hang out with the most during our downtime at home, and the people we miss the most when we’re away. Our brothers and sisters are probably the only people who we can really bond with over the inevitable quirkiness in all of our parents. We can look or act as silly as we want to around them, because we know for a fact they don’t care. We can always count on them to make us laugh and cry, especially at the same time. Our brothers and sisters are the only people who can make fun of us over and over and it be okay. Although they’re the people we will fight with over any little thing, they’re also the people we would fight for if they ever needed it. Let's face it - they’re the people we would do ANYTHING for, because at the end of the day, we don't know what we'd do without them.

There are probably a million more things I could say about how special the relationships we have with our siblings are, but it all comes down to this: they’ve seen us at our best and worst, and love us just the same. So next time your little bro or big sis gets on your nerves, just smile, and know how absolutely lucky you are to have them. Have a wonderful week! God bless.



Sunday, April 6, 2014

Choosing Pathways

As a third year in college, I’ve been contemplating for a while now what exactly I want my career to be. I really wanted to be a doctor ever since I was little, specifically a pediatrician. So naturally, I started off my first two years as pre-med. But in those two years, I realized something about myself, amidst all the challenging science classes I was taking and while volunteering at a hospital - I didn’t want to be a doctor anymore. 

At first, it was pretty hard to let go of what I thought was my “dream career”. I didn’t like the idea that I was giving up on something. But then I began to gain a new perspective on the situation. I wasn't giving up, I was making a choice on where I wanted to invest my energy at the time, and it was no longer in the sciences. After doing a bit of soul searching, I decided to become a political science major. 

Earlier this week, I attended this career networking event and had a really interesting conversation with a lawyer. I told him about my journey thus far, and how I was concerned that I no longer have a plan of what I’m going to do after I graduate. What he said in response wasn’t exactly comforting, but it was what I needed to hear. He told me to stop thinking about where I see myself way down the road, but to start taking life one step at a time, because if I allow my mind to be consumed with millions of “what ifs” instead of just doing, I could miss out on something really great.

Although I didn’t necessarily discover the career that is meant for me during that talk, what I did discover was the next step of my journey. Life is so variable; so many different things can happen, sometimes things we may not expect. We might stumble here and there, and we might get let down. What we must refuse to do, however, is let the bumps on the road define who we are. Every event that happens ultimately directs us to choose different paths along the way, and everyone has their own unique journey they’re on. There is no one right way to do something, only to trust yourself and do what you feel is best for you. So live each day with purpose, and with the mindset that you are exactly in the place you need to be in order to fulfill your potential.

Have a wonderful week! God bless.



Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Night of Rock n' Roll (Literally)

Hey everyone!

Last Sunday I took a day off from my blogging in honor of spring break, but I am back! From gambling for the first time at a casino to line-dancing the night away, I had a great week hanging out with family and friends. Even more, mother nature decided to shake up my break with a little bit of rock n’ roll. Literally.

On Friday night, while we were home watching some March Madness, an earthquake of 5.1 magnitude hit our area. The house abruptly jolted, followed by 30-40 seconds of fierce shaking and a power outage. It was definitely the biggest earthquake I’ve ever felt, and a pretty scary experience altogether. The thing that gets me most, however, is what I was thinking from the moment it began until it finally ended. In that minute, the only thing that mattered to me was the safety of my family. I noticed the way my mom rushed over to protect my brothers the second the earthquake started, and the way my stepdad remained completely calm and made sure that our house was safe. Not knowing how long the earthquake would last, or if it would get even worse, all I wanted was exactly what I had before the whole thing began - for the people I love to be okay.

Thankfully, there was no significant damage done to my house, and no injuries sustained by any of us. What the earthquake did do, however, was help put into perspective my life and the things I worry about. Kind of like the idea that you don’t know you have a good thing until it’s gone, I was reminded of just how blessed I am to be alive and to have my family. I think it’s so amazing that we have the natural instinct to protect those that we love, just as in that moment, I was prepared to do whatever it took to keep my loved ones safe. Yes, it was stressful, but it called to attention what matters most to me, and made me appreciate even more the fact that I have what I need most. Have a wonderful week everyone! God bless.



Sunday, March 16, 2014

Making Stress Your Friend

Hey everyone!

So right now, I, along with other college students on the quarter system, am in the midst of final exams and essays. It can definitely be an overwhelming week for many, as the work we’ve put in all quarter comes down to how well we're able to perform on this one exam or paper. 

No matter what, we all face stress at some time or another in life - but no fear! We do have the power to utilize it for the better. When we experience stress, it’s really our body’s natural reaction to a challenge that we face, whether it be a test, a tough day at work, or an argument with a loved one. Instead of allowing the stress to overcome you, use it in a way that actually helps you. Think about you for a second - what brings relief and happiness to your mind and body? Whatever that is, do it often, and especially when you’re stressed. Maybe it’s hanging out with friends/family, playing an instrument, or taking a walk. Releasing stress puts you in a better position to overcome the challenges you face.

For me, one of my favorite ways of relieving stress is exercise. Exercise increases a type of neurotransmitter in you called endorphins. Their job? They make you happy! Try going for a jog, taking a dance lesson, or working those muscles. A healthy body not only makes you feel great, it also equips you to handle stress in the best way possible so you can accomplish your goals. Another way I like to relieve stress is through meditation. Have you ever tried sitting in one place for a good 20 minutes and not thinking about anything? Try it! You’d be surprised how great you feel after doing this for a short amount of time. No matter how busy your schedule is, set aside some time for yourself and just breathe. It works wonders.

These are just a few ideas of how to relieve stress. You know yourself better than anyone else, so do whatever it is that makes you feel good - the important thing is that you do something. Stress was not meant to be built up, it’s meant to be utilized for your success. Remember, stress just means that your body is gearing up for you to meet some demands, know that you can do it! Invest in your mind and body, because when they are in good condition, you’re ready to go out and do awesome things in the world! Have a wonderful week! God bless.



Sunday, March 9, 2014

Words from Hillary Clinton

This week I had the honor of seeing our very own former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, when she gave a lecture at my school. Hillary is an extremely intelligent, powerful woman and an engaging speaker. First off, I really liked how she discussed the importance of making sure that young people have access to good jobs, and that the economy continues to grow in a way that ensures equality, opportunity, and prosperity for all. Speaking from her own experience, she believes that a young person’s first job is vital in gaining not only necessary people skills, but a sense of dignity and responsibility. My favorite part of the whole lecture, however, was in the last few minutes of the Q&A, in which she gave great advice to us college students that I believe anyone can appreciate.

She started off by saying how it is important that you “believe you can change the world,” and that you have confidence in yourself. She advised us to expand our horizons as much as possible in order to figure out what we want to do and how we want to impact the world. She quoted Eleanor Roosevelt, saying “Grow skin like a rhinoceros,” meaning learn how to take criticism seriously, but not personally, in order to be able to have a real impact on change. Finally, she encouraged us to take charge of our own lives, and to never give up. She ended on this quote: “You figure out what you want - it may not be what your friend wants, it may not be what your professor wants, or your parents want, but if you’re responding to an authentic desire and dream of your own, then you’re halfway there.”

I left from the lecture feeling inspired and empowered, as I’m sure many others did. Hillary reminded me that despite criticism or people telling you no, you can make a difference in the world. If you have a dream, and it is genuine and meaningful to you, then keep chasing it. It’s up to you to believe that you have what it takes to make it happen. Have a great week everyone! God bless.



Sunday, March 2, 2014

Let it Go

Tonight at the Oscars, “Let it Go” won Best Original Song. This powerful piece from the movie “Frozen” is one of my favorites, and it also happens to be my theme for this week’s blog post.

Something I realized recently is that what we want out of life makes us who we are. Each day is filled with so much opportunity for us to make our dreams a reality. And you know what else? We all have those days when things just don’t go our way. Our initial reaction may include complaining about it, getting angry with people, or even being hard on ourselves. But I want you to think about something - what good does that exactly do for you? I strongly believe that whatever consumes our minds has tremendous power over our lives, because our thoughts direct the actions we take every single day. Why is it that we want certain things, and what are we choosing to let motivate us? All of this comes back to how we occupy our time and the types of things we put our energy into. We can choose to spend our time dwelling on our failures, being mad at someone, or despising situations we can't control. Or instead, we can let it go.

Life is short, so why waste time harboring negative feelings towards yourself or someone else? And why expend valuable energy on something so trivial to the bigger picture? Speaking from personal experience, sometimes we need to learn how to let go of the things that are holding us back from living our lives to the fullest. After all, think of all the amazing, wonderful, better things you can do when you release yourself from that tension. You can spend more time appreciating the people you love, or doing something meaningful for the world, or becoming the person you want to be. Because once you let go of whatever it is that’s weighing you down, it reinforces the power in you to take charge of your own life - trust me. God bless.



Sunday, February 23, 2014

20 Going on 21

So I’m turning 21 on Tuesday...where did the time go? I remember being younger and wondering what my life would be like when I was 21 - where I would be, what I’d look like, if I’d have a boyfriend, what career I would be headed towards...

Where am I at now? I’m in college, always being told I look just like my mom, single, and I have no idea what career I’m headed towards. And you know what? I am so happy. 

I’m happy because I have been blessed beyond measure. Not with money, nice things, or anything else people might use to measure success in a material world. But I have been blessed with the things I think matter most: an amazing family, a handful of great friends, and opportunity. Some of the greatest people I know are those that have raised me and grown up alongside me. My family is the most important thing to me in my life. They have helped shape me into the woman I am today by instilling in me my core values, such as integrity, hard work, compassion, kindness, and most importantly, love. Friends have come and gone, but there still remain a few people who I am so thankful for, some I’ve known for a while and others I’ve met more recently. These friends are not only always down to have fun and be silly, but they really care about me, and we know we’ve got each others’ backs. As far as my college career, every day I am grateful to be where I’m at, and to be in the position where I can enhance my education and use it as a tool to make a positive difference in the world. Growing up I planned to be a doctor, but recently I made the decision that career wasn’t the right path for me. However, I still have direction in that I know that whatever I end up doing, I want to help people somehow and make the world a better place, while also having a family of my own. The possibilities with that are endless!

21 years down, and it’s been a crazy, fun, awesome adventure. I’ve had my ups, and I’ve definitely had my downs. But what I’m most proud of about myself is that I’ve never given up. I’ve always sought to stay true to the positive, loving, happy person I am. I’m extremely excited for what lies ahead, and am confident that I will continue to grow during the trials. Right now, I just want to soak everything in around me and live life to the fullest every moment I’m given. I want to work hard and embrace the opportunity I have with my education, so that one day I can inspire people by showing that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. And most importantly, I want to keep loving the people around me and enjoying this great, big, beautiful world. Thank you all so much for steppin’ along this journey with me so far, can’t wait to see what new adventures are to come my way as a 21-year-old. Happy Birthday to me! God bless.



Sunday, February 16, 2014

All You Need is Love

Valentine's Day is the day of the year dedicated to celebrating love, which I think is wonderful. However, I also think love is something that should be celebrated every single day of our lives, because it is love that makes life beautiful and meaningful. Love is so important to us, yet at the same time, I think it’s something too easily taken for granted. There are so many different acts of love we receive on a daily basis, it’s up to us to not let them pass by unnoticed. The love we receive from our parents and grandparents - how amazingly selfless and unconditional it is. Even when it’s tough love, it’s to help shape us into strong individuals. The love from our siblings - maybe they drive us crazy sometimes, but we can always count on them to make us smile. The love from our friends - the people that we share our craziest, silliest, and best moments with. They’re always there to be happy for us during good times and to pick us up when we’re down.

Let’s do our best every day to remember that love is the greatest of all gifts. The kind of gift that we need to give and receive as much as possible in our lifetime. Whether we’re having the greatest day of our lives, feeling blue, or anywhere in between, we must always surround ourselves with people we love. Because when we have love, we experience the absolute best of what life has to offer. In the words of my all-time favorite band, “All you need is love.” Have a great week everyone! God bless.



Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Heart of an Olympian

The 2014 Winter Olympics have officially begun in Sochi! I don’t know about you, but I always feel so inspired after watching these amazing athletes from all over the world excel in their professions. As I was watching Jamie Anderson soak up her victory for the U.S. on the podium, I thought of how amazing the feeling is you get when you accomplish your goals. How hard these people have trained to make it to where they are today, how disciplined they have to be, and how badly they must want it. I think the main idea we should all take from this is one word: persistence. Sure, it’s easy to quit something when you experience failure, such as when a snowboarder falls and breaks her ankle - how easy it would be to just stop. But my question is this: if everything in life worth having was easy to get, what would be the worth in obtaining it? We may not be olympians, but we all have gifts. Maybe it’s the natural tendency to empathize with people, or the comprehension needed to make medicine to save lives, or the ability to inspire and motivate others. Or maybe it’s just being the best version of yourself that you can possibly be: mother, father, daughter, son, brother, sister, friend, companion, student, worker. I think it’s when we live up to our capabilities and always strive to be better than we were yesterday that we can achieve great things. 

As I watch these athletes exhibit their talent they have been working on their whole lives, I remind myself of the beauty in pushing yourself to reach your goals. Although it’s definitely hard to do amidst inevitable setbacks along the way, I’ve come to realize that’s what makes life interesting. Enjoy watching the olympics everyone, go USA! God bless.



Sunday, February 2, 2014

Super Bowl XLVIII

Hey everyone!

For me, Super Bowl Sunday always turns out to be a really fun day. Even when my team doesn’t make it to the big game (like this year), I still always have a great time because it’s an opportunity to get together with my favorite people - family and friends. My mom will usually make her famous chili beans and I’ll help make the 7-layer dip for our viewing party at my grandma’s house. This year, I ended up going over a friend’s apartment to watch it while we ate leftovers from the night before. Although the game wasn’t particularly exciting, as the Seahawks pretty much dominated the Broncos, we still had a good time. Besides the football and the company, one of the other things I always look forward to during the Super Bowl is the commercials. Everyone sticks around during the breaks to see which companies will put on the best ads. They usually seem to be pretty well thought out and bring around a good laugh from everybody. 

Anyways, I love Super Bowl Sunday because no matter what the situation, whether my team is in it or not, or whether I’m with family or friends, it’s a way for me to forget about all my worries and get into the game. This past week was pretty hectic, as I’m sure was for many other people as well. But that’s one of the cool things about sports. It provides a way for people to sit back, relax, and just enjoy each other’s company. This is why I love football. Have a great week everyone! God bless.



Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Power of Music

Tonight was the night of the Grammys - a night completely dedicated to music. Music is something so integral to our lives, in ways we might not even realize sometimes. When a couple gets married, they usually have their wedding song that they have their first dance to, a sign of their new life together and love for each other. A mother will sing her newborn baby to sleep with a beautiful lullaby, a moment so precious and wondrous. Even in every day life, people listen to music that motivates and inspires them as they prepare for an intense workout or challenging exam.  At a party the music is pumping loud and has a great beat, creating an atmosphere where people can let loose and forget about their worries for a while. And then a lot of times, music can be very relaxing and therapeutic, a form of escape. Maybe you got into an argument with a friend, or your love life is bringing you down, or someone said something hurtful to you. In this way, songs have a way of expressing whatever our feelings are when we aren’t able to with words. And then there are those songs that remind you of just how awesome you are; the songs that remind you to not let anything or anyone bring you down. 

Anyways, music keeps us steppin’ - literally. Dancing, walking, moving. It decorates our lives and puts memories to our most intimate and special moments. It can put us in an elevated state of mind and enhance whatever mood we’re in. It can even remind us that sometimes we just have to let go and have fun. This way, music is very powerful. Inspirational music can move us and transform our minds and hearts, making us feel things about ourselves and others. When we are inspired in this way, what do we do? We take action. We bring our A-game to that sporting event or test, we do something to make somebody’s day, we bring ourselves from feeling down in the dumps, and we go out and have fun. So keep calm and listen on! God bless.



Sunday, January 19, 2014

In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Hey everyone!

So tomorrow is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; what does that mean to the average American? To some, it may be another one of those national holidays in which they get the day off from work or school. To others, it may be their chance to purchase a brand new mattress or sofa for a good deal. Well, contrary to what it may seem, this day means a lot more for ourselves and our country.

A powerful movement overcame our country in the mid-20th century, one full of emotion and determination. The resilience it took an African American woman, Rosa Parks, to not move out of her seat in the front of a bus that was a white-only zone. The bus rides Freedom Riders took, completely aware of the hostility and violence that would meet them. Claiming the right to sit at a counter and enjoy lunch, while being attacked with hurtful words, taking blows to the body, and being spat at like they were nothing. All of this and so much more people endured as they restrained themselves from fighting fire with fire. This amazing, non-violent movement spoke to our country loud and clear. They were done being mistreated. They were done being denied their legitimate rights as Americans. They didn't care how long it took, they wanted a better future. And after much toil and heart-ache, change finally came.

This MLK Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate those who showed us the benefit of never giving up on a dream. Let's also realize that even today people are struggling for justice, such as income equality. As humans with a moral conscience, it is up to us to recognize when something is not right, and to work for what is good. As Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated with his actions, we must see the value in each person, and seek the welfare of all. When we do that, we continue the legacy of what truly makes America great.

Happy MLK Day everybody! God bless.



Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Making of "Steppin' with Vanessa"

Hey everyone!

Today’s blog is a little on the lighter side. I want to share with you how I came up with the name “Steppin’ with Vanessa.” Deciding I was going to create a blog and making my first post wasn’t too difficult. Coming up with the title of my blog, on the other hand, was the hard part. I spent about 5 long days throwing out different names, such as “Sincerely Vanessa”, “Very Vanessa”, and “The World According to Vanessa”. I wanted it to sound catchy, but at the same time not corny. I also didn’t want the title to be too similar to someone else’s blog at the risk of confusing people. Idea after idea I came up with was either already taken or just didn’t sound right, it was very frustrating!

Then one night as I was falling asleep after an intense brainstorming session, I pondered more on a suggestion that was given to me, “Steppin’ with Vanessa.” I liked it for a couple reasons. I thought it sounded hip and upbeat; something that would capture people’s attention. The word “steppin’” can mean a lot of things - walking, dancing, moving - all words that represent what I enjoy doing on a daily basis. I also thought it would sound cool if my blog ever turns into my traveling diary, since I do hope to see more of the world in the future. Finally, this title was perfect because it pretty much sums up the purpose of my blog. I’m asking my readers to take a walk alongside me through my adventures and see the world from my perspective. Therefore, “Steppin’ with Vanessa” was born.

Hope you all have an amazing week, stay positive and keep steppin’! God bless.



Sunday, January 5, 2014

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone!

My name is Vanessa, I'm a student living in beautiful Southern California, and I'm extremely excited to be writing my first blog post ever! The purpose of my blog is to share with you the everyday life experiences I have, the dreams I pursue, and the adventures I embark on. It is to share with you my perspective on the world, and hopefully inspire you with what I discover. 

As we enter 2014, let's remember: it's a new year, filled with new beginnings. Instead of the typical New Year's Resolutions of eating healthier or working out more, I thought I'd suggest another that might be of value to has to do with attitude. 

One thing I plan to do from here on out is face challenges head on. The past year was a little rough for me. There were times when I felt completely helpless, like all doors were being closed. I began to develop a very negative image of myself, until the only person stopping me from feeling better was myself. How did I overcome this? Through spending a lot of time with my family and friends and allowing myself to be reminded of what is important to me. I learned to accept that everything happens for a reason, and that character is formed through trials. Now, I can confidently say that I am grateful for all of those challenges I faced. Why? Because coming out of those situations made me stronger, built my perseverance, and solidified my faith. It taught me to appreciate the life I have even more and all the people I love who surround me. Finally, it has inspired me to live each day to the fullest and make the most of every moment. The way I see it, challenges in life are inevitable. What we do have control of, however, is how we react to them. You can either choose to let them defeat you, or instead, you can choose to see them for what they are - as opportunities for growth. Instead of resenting every problem that I encounter, I am going to be thankful for it as another part of my life's journey to becoming a better person. 

Therefore, let's head into this year with a new and improved attitude. Although you can't change the past, the future is still unwritten. Allow your heart to direct your path. Don't let fear get the best of you, let hope be the stronghold of your heart. Remember that you are special, and you are here for a purpose. Like my Great-Grandma Pat said to me, just be happy! Each day you wake up is a gift in itself, so enjoy it. Sing, dance, be merry, do something nice for someone who can't repay you. Love each other, including yourself. You have the power to do so much good in the world. 

I hope I was able to give you some food for thought for your New Year's Resolutions. I am so looking forward to the adventures awaiting me, definitely having good vibes about 2014. Have a wonderful start to your year, talk to you soon! God bless.

