Sunday, February 23, 2014

20 Going on 21

So I’m turning 21 on Tuesday...where did the time go? I remember being younger and wondering what my life would be like when I was 21 - where I would be, what I’d look like, if I’d have a boyfriend, what career I would be headed towards...

Where am I at now? I’m in college, always being told I look just like my mom, single, and I have no idea what career I’m headed towards. And you know what? I am so happy. 

I’m happy because I have been blessed beyond measure. Not with money, nice things, or anything else people might use to measure success in a material world. But I have been blessed with the things I think matter most: an amazing family, a handful of great friends, and opportunity. Some of the greatest people I know are those that have raised me and grown up alongside me. My family is the most important thing to me in my life. They have helped shape me into the woman I am today by instilling in me my core values, such as integrity, hard work, compassion, kindness, and most importantly, love. Friends have come and gone, but there still remain a few people who I am so thankful for, some I’ve known for a while and others I’ve met more recently. These friends are not only always down to have fun and be silly, but they really care about me, and we know we’ve got each others’ backs. As far as my college career, every day I am grateful to be where I’m at, and to be in the position where I can enhance my education and use it as a tool to make a positive difference in the world. Growing up I planned to be a doctor, but recently I made the decision that career wasn’t the right path for me. However, I still have direction in that I know that whatever I end up doing, I want to help people somehow and make the world a better place, while also having a family of my own. The possibilities with that are endless!

21 years down, and it’s been a crazy, fun, awesome adventure. I’ve had my ups, and I’ve definitely had my downs. But what I’m most proud of about myself is that I’ve never given up. I’ve always sought to stay true to the positive, loving, happy person I am. I’m extremely excited for what lies ahead, and am confident that I will continue to grow during the trials. Right now, I just want to soak everything in around me and live life to the fullest every moment I’m given. I want to work hard and embrace the opportunity I have with my education, so that one day I can inspire people by showing that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. And most importantly, I want to keep loving the people around me and enjoying this great, big, beautiful world. Thank you all so much for steppin’ along this journey with me so far, can’t wait to see what new adventures are to come my way as a 21-year-old. Happy Birthday to me! God bless.



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