Sunday, February 16, 2014

All You Need is Love

Valentine's Day is the day of the year dedicated to celebrating love, which I think is wonderful. However, I also think love is something that should be celebrated every single day of our lives, because it is love that makes life beautiful and meaningful. Love is so important to us, yet at the same time, I think it’s something too easily taken for granted. There are so many different acts of love we receive on a daily basis, it’s up to us to not let them pass by unnoticed. The love we receive from our parents and grandparents - how amazingly selfless and unconditional it is. Even when it’s tough love, it’s to help shape us into strong individuals. The love from our siblings - maybe they drive us crazy sometimes, but we can always count on them to make us smile. The love from our friends - the people that we share our craziest, silliest, and best moments with. They’re always there to be happy for us during good times and to pick us up when we’re down.

Let’s do our best every day to remember that love is the greatest of all gifts. The kind of gift that we need to give and receive as much as possible in our lifetime. Whether we’re having the greatest day of our lives, feeling blue, or anywhere in between, we must always surround ourselves with people we love. Because when we have love, we experience the absolute best of what life has to offer. In the words of my all-time favorite band, “All you need is love.” Have a great week everyone! God bless.



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