Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Power of Music

Tonight was the night of the Grammys - a night completely dedicated to music. Music is something so integral to our lives, in ways we might not even realize sometimes. When a couple gets married, they usually have their wedding song that they have their first dance to, a sign of their new life together and love for each other. A mother will sing her newborn baby to sleep with a beautiful lullaby, a moment so precious and wondrous. Even in every day life, people listen to music that motivates and inspires them as they prepare for an intense workout or challenging exam.  At a party the music is pumping loud and has a great beat, creating an atmosphere where people can let loose and forget about their worries for a while. And then a lot of times, music can be very relaxing and therapeutic, a form of escape. Maybe you got into an argument with a friend, or your love life is bringing you down, or someone said something hurtful to you. In this way, songs have a way of expressing whatever our feelings are when we aren’t able to with words. And then there are those songs that remind you of just how awesome you are; the songs that remind you to not let anything or anyone bring you down. 

Anyways, music keeps us steppin’ - literally. Dancing, walking, moving. It decorates our lives and puts memories to our most intimate and special moments. It can put us in an elevated state of mind and enhance whatever mood we’re in. It can even remind us that sometimes we just have to let go and have fun. This way, music is very powerful. Inspirational music can move us and transform our minds and hearts, making us feel things about ourselves and others. When we are inspired in this way, what do we do? We take action. We bring our A-game to that sporting event or test, we do something to make somebody’s day, we bring ourselves from feeling down in the dumps, and we go out and have fun. So keep calm and listen on! God bless.



Sunday, January 19, 2014

In Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Hey everyone!

So tomorrow is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; what does that mean to the average American? To some, it may be another one of those national holidays in which they get the day off from work or school. To others, it may be their chance to purchase a brand new mattress or sofa for a good deal. Well, contrary to what it may seem, this day means a lot more for ourselves and our country.

A powerful movement overcame our country in the mid-20th century, one full of emotion and determination. The resilience it took an African American woman, Rosa Parks, to not move out of her seat in the front of a bus that was a white-only zone. The bus rides Freedom Riders took, completely aware of the hostility and violence that would meet them. Claiming the right to sit at a counter and enjoy lunch, while being attacked with hurtful words, taking blows to the body, and being spat at like they were nothing. All of this and so much more people endured as they restrained themselves from fighting fire with fire. This amazing, non-violent movement spoke to our country loud and clear. They were done being mistreated. They were done being denied their legitimate rights as Americans. They didn't care how long it took, they wanted a better future. And after much toil and heart-ache, change finally came.

This MLK Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate those who showed us the benefit of never giving up on a dream. Let's also realize that even today people are struggling for justice, such as income equality. As humans with a moral conscience, it is up to us to recognize when something is not right, and to work for what is good. As Martin Luther King, Jr. advocated with his actions, we must see the value in each person, and seek the welfare of all. When we do that, we continue the legacy of what truly makes America great.

Happy MLK Day everybody! God bless.



Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Making of "Steppin' with Vanessa"

Hey everyone!

Today’s blog is a little on the lighter side. I want to share with you how I came up with the name “Steppin’ with Vanessa.” Deciding I was going to create a blog and making my first post wasn’t too difficult. Coming up with the title of my blog, on the other hand, was the hard part. I spent about 5 long days throwing out different names, such as “Sincerely Vanessa”, “Very Vanessa”, and “The World According to Vanessa”. I wanted it to sound catchy, but at the same time not corny. I also didn’t want the title to be too similar to someone else’s blog at the risk of confusing people. Idea after idea I came up with was either already taken or just didn’t sound right, it was very frustrating!

Then one night as I was falling asleep after an intense brainstorming session, I pondered more on a suggestion that was given to me, “Steppin’ with Vanessa.” I liked it for a couple reasons. I thought it sounded hip and upbeat; something that would capture people’s attention. The word “steppin’” can mean a lot of things - walking, dancing, moving - all words that represent what I enjoy doing on a daily basis. I also thought it would sound cool if my blog ever turns into my traveling diary, since I do hope to see more of the world in the future. Finally, this title was perfect because it pretty much sums up the purpose of my blog. I’m asking my readers to take a walk alongside me through my adventures and see the world from my perspective. Therefore, “Steppin’ with Vanessa” was born.

Hope you all have an amazing week, stay positive and keep steppin’! God bless.



Sunday, January 5, 2014

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello everyone!

My name is Vanessa, I'm a student living in beautiful Southern California, and I'm extremely excited to be writing my first blog post ever! The purpose of my blog is to share with you the everyday life experiences I have, the dreams I pursue, and the adventures I embark on. It is to share with you my perspective on the world, and hopefully inspire you with what I discover. 

As we enter 2014, let's remember: it's a new year, filled with new beginnings. Instead of the typical New Year's Resolutions of eating healthier or working out more, I thought I'd suggest another that might be of value to has to do with attitude. 

One thing I plan to do from here on out is face challenges head on. The past year was a little rough for me. There were times when I felt completely helpless, like all doors were being closed. I began to develop a very negative image of myself, until the only person stopping me from feeling better was myself. How did I overcome this? Through spending a lot of time with my family and friends and allowing myself to be reminded of what is important to me. I learned to accept that everything happens for a reason, and that character is formed through trials. Now, I can confidently say that I am grateful for all of those challenges I faced. Why? Because coming out of those situations made me stronger, built my perseverance, and solidified my faith. It taught me to appreciate the life I have even more and all the people I love who surround me. Finally, it has inspired me to live each day to the fullest and make the most of every moment. The way I see it, challenges in life are inevitable. What we do have control of, however, is how we react to them. You can either choose to let them defeat you, or instead, you can choose to see them for what they are - as opportunities for growth. Instead of resenting every problem that I encounter, I am going to be thankful for it as another part of my life's journey to becoming a better person. 

Therefore, let's head into this year with a new and improved attitude. Although you can't change the past, the future is still unwritten. Allow your heart to direct your path. Don't let fear get the best of you, let hope be the stronghold of your heart. Remember that you are special, and you are here for a purpose. Like my Great-Grandma Pat said to me, just be happy! Each day you wake up is a gift in itself, so enjoy it. Sing, dance, be merry, do something nice for someone who can't repay you. Love each other, including yourself. You have the power to do so much good in the world. 

I hope I was able to give you some food for thought for your New Year's Resolutions. I am so looking forward to the adventures awaiting me, definitely having good vibes about 2014. Have a wonderful start to your year, talk to you soon! God bless.

