Tonight was the night of the Grammys - a night completely dedicated to music. Music is something so integral to our lives, in ways we might not even realize sometimes. When a couple gets married, they usually have their wedding song that they have their first dance to, a sign of their new life together and love for each other. A mother will sing her newborn baby to sleep with a beautiful lullaby, a moment so precious and wondrous. Even in every day life, people listen to music that motivates and inspires them as they prepare for an intense workout or challenging exam. At a party the music is pumping loud and has a great beat, creating an atmosphere where people can let loose and forget about their worries for a while. And then a lot of times, music can be very relaxing and therapeutic, a form of escape. Maybe you got into an argument with a friend, or your love life is bringing you down, or someone said something hurtful to you. In this way, songs have a way of expressing whatever our feelings are when we aren’t able to with words. And then there are those songs that remind you of just how awesome you are; the songs that remind you to not let anything or anyone bring you down.
Anyways, music keeps us steppin’ - literally. Dancing, walking, moving. It decorates our lives and puts memories to our most intimate and special moments. It can put us in an elevated state of mind and enhance whatever mood we’re in. It can even remind us that sometimes we just have to let go and have fun. This way, music is very powerful. Inspirational music can move us and transform our minds and hearts, making us feel things about ourselves and others. When we are inspired in this way, what do we do? We take action. We bring our A-game to that sporting event or test, we do something to make somebody’s day, we bring ourselves from feeling down in the dumps, and we go out and have fun. So keep calm and listen on! God bless.