Wednesday, June 3, 2020

George Floyd

A few weeks ago, George Floyd was just a regular guy, probably dealing with the same fears and frustrations many of us have due to the pandemic. Now, he is the center of America's attention, for reasons his loved ones only dread. I cannot fathom the agony and despair the Floyd family is feeling, having lost George so suddenly and tragically. It's heartbreaking and horrific and everything bad. My heart goes out to them.

Why does this happen in America? What happened to the notion of "all men are created equal?" That's what we were taught in school, yet our actions speak otherwise. Yes, police brutality is a crisis that disproportionately affects our black neighbors. But that is not the only problem black Americans face in this country. It's that black women are about 3 times more likely to die of maternal mortality. It's that predominantly black neighborhoods are more likely to experience high rates of poverty. Even now, black Americans are dying from COVID-19 at higher rates. And the list goes on. At the core of these problems is one massive issue, and it is currently affecting regular people, just like you and me. It is called systemic racism.

There is no "one solution." The problem has deep roots in our nation's dark side of history, and there is a huge portion of the public who won't even acknowledge that this is a problem, nor the fact that we all have implicit biases. What I do hope we can all agree on, however, is that with all of these human beings hurting, we can do so much better. But how can we expect such a radical change of society, if we do not radically change ourselves? Maybe, just maybe, if we start by taking a good, raw look at who we are, and challenge ourselves to be better people, and to stand up for each other, we can change the course of our future. You may ask, "Why should I care? I have problems too, I feel forgotten too, and no one seems to care about me. Why should I care about other people?" Well, this is why: because the people you consider "other," are not. They are you. Because if God forbid, some injustice were to happen to you and your community, wouldn't you want the same kind of support? Maybe we should start by having each other's backs more often, and see where we can go from there. Listening, learning, and loving, together. 

God bless.



Saturday, January 21, 2017

Women's March LA

Today was a very special day. Today, women took to the streets of Los Angeles, because they decided it was time that our voices were heard in the midst of the new presidency. Although the name of the march was “Women’s March LA,” this was much more than about women’s rights—it was about human rights. And yes, women’s rights ARE human rights.

This is why today in the streets, I didn’t just see women, men, and children. I saw every part of a diverse America that makes our country great: Latinos, blacks, whites, people with disabilities, Jews, Muslims, Christians, immigrants—the list goes on. Something specific may have brought each person out to march today, but in the end, we were all there for the same reason: to fight for our shared values.

The next four years are going to be challenging for us as nation, and not only because of the policies that may be enacted or overturned. It’s a little deeper than that. We are dealing with: 1) a president whose level of insecurity is unsettling, 2) a proposed cabinet that is unequipped to serve the best interests of the American people, and 3) the fact that people actually believe that America needs to be made great “again”—because I ask you, when was America greater than it is now? When segregation existed? When women couldn’t vote? What makes our country great is the fact that we are always on a positive trajectory of progress.

For every action, there is a reaction; it’s a law of the universe. President Obama turned our country around from economic turmoil, fought for social justice, kept us safe, and made major steps towards protecting the earth from climate change. Trump is now president, and all of that is at risk. However, I believe that today was just the beginning of a reaction that is not going to be finished very quickly. People are vigilant, because this is personal. Most importantly, even though many feel the right person wasn’t inaugurated yesterday, people still believe that love trumps hate—we chanted it as we marched towards City Hall.

Keep being vigilant but also, keep being love. Stay vigilant because when we’re vigilant, we can use that fire in us to react and resist. But also, stay loving, because we are going to show the world that through love, we can protect our country. We will embrace and invite diversity. We will defend women’s rights. We will demand a just immigration policy. We will reaffirm that black lives matter. We will denounce any form of bullying or hatred. We will protect our environment. These aren’t partisan issues; they’re our values as human beings.

Now is the time to get fired up and get active about an issue that matters to us. Stay informed and refer to credible sources of information, so no one can distort the truth for you. Finally, like so many of us did today, keep steppin’. God bless.



Monday, November 7, 2016

I'm With Her

Election Day is tomorrow, and I couldn’t be more excited that we are so close to electing the first woman president of the United States. It’s been almost 100 years since women got the right to vote, and as a young Latina woman, I’m proud to see the progress being made.  

Hillary Clinton is one of the most hardworking women America has ever known. She has dedicated her life to serving others, especially those most vulnerable and marginalized by society. From working as a legal aid to poor children and children with disabilities at the Children’s Defense Fund, to reforming the state education system as First Lady of Arkansas, to establishing the Children’s Health Insurance Program as First Lady of the United States, to helping take out an enemy of our country as Secretary of State, to promoting global health and prosperity through the Clinton Foundation, to being a fierce advocate for women, children, working people, and people of color, Hillary is a fighter in all the right ways.  

Having said that, watching this campaign has been difficult for me, because I can’t help but feel the unwavering hostility and hate towards someone who to me is a role model. The truth is tampered with, and people buy-in to the idea that she is a liar and a criminal, even though reality says otherwise. Multiple reports on Benghazi found that it wasn’t Hillary’s fault, but she still took responsibility. The FBI has extensively investigated her emails, and she is cleared of wrongdoing. And yes, she has accepted money from Wall Street, just the same as many other politicians (Democrat and Republican). Has she made mistakes? Sure, just like any other human being, but I will argue that the good she’s done far outweighs any bad. People will say what they want about a woman they see as corrupt, dishonest, and nasty, but that is not the woman I see. And just as Hillary stands for me, I will stand for her.

I trust Hillary with my future America, because I want an America where women are paid the amount we deserve. I want an America where people of all colors and creeds are welcomed and celebrated, not rejected and bullied. I want an America that will place regulations on the sale of firearms to protect our families, and where the welfare of citizens is put before the interests of corporations. I want an America where a woman’s right to her body and a person’s right to marry who they love is protected. I want an America where everyone can make a decent wage, and where the wealth isn’t concentrated to the top 1%. I want an America where public college is tuition free, and where college grads will have the pressure of debt relieved. I want an America that protects our earth and its resources for future generations. But most importantly, I want an America where love trumps hate.

Friends, we have made so much progress, but there is still work to be done. And I believe it can be done, but we’ve got to get involved. We can’t sit by and expect things to happen for us, we have to take action. So, I ask you, who will be your champion? 

I’m with her. God bless.



Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Confidence: belief in oneself and one’s powers or abilities. 

Confidence is the basis of each of my New Year’s Resolutions. Why? Because something I learned over the past year is that believing in your own capabilities makes all the difference. The future can seem daunting because it’s so full of uncertainty, and no matter how much time and energy you put into planning, there are just some things that are completely out of your control. 

The good news? The most important thing is completely and 100% under your control. In fact, it’s up to you whether or not you will utilize it. Have you guessed what it is yet? You got it! CONFIDENCE. 

2015 is YOUR YEAR, and each day you wake up is your time to seize the moment and make your dreams a reality. Sure, it’s inevitable that people and things will try to get in your way, and they will make being confident in yourself tougher, but that’s life. And it builds character. And it makes overcoming those roadblocks all the more rewarding. When it comes down to it, the most important opinion someone can have of you is yourself. So make it a good one! Go into each day with a confidence that no person or circumstance can take away from you, and you will shine. 

Anyways, it’s been about a year now since I started “Steppin’ with Vanessa,” and I’d like to say thanks to everyone who’s been steppin’ along with me on this journey. I hope my posts have given you some good insight and just serve as refreshing reads during your week. Keep steppin’ with confidence into 2015, and make it your best year yet! God bless.



Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall-ing in Love (With Life)

I absolutely love this time of the year. School is in full swing, friends are back in town, and there’s just a certain festivity in the air with all the holidays coming up. Recently, I’ve been pretty busy studying for my upcoming GRE, working on grad school apps, as well as maintaining my school work and leadership role in my club. However, I’m finding that everything is a lot easier to handle when you make time to simply enjoy yourself. 

In almost every single phone conversation I have with my grandma, she reminds me, “Sweetie, you need to have balance.” And she’s completely right. It can get overwhelming when you’re constantly thinking about what’s next and projecting yourself into future situations. So instead, I take everything one step at a time and remind myself the purpose of my actions. 

With Halloween coming up this Friday, I’m excited to dress up, be silly with friends, and have fun! Because regardless of how much stuff has to be done to prepare for the future, the present is happening right now, and I’m determined to make the most I can out of it. So let's go into this next week and season with the attitude of, "I'm going to accomplish my goals, and I'm also going to enjoy all the small things in life" - because those are some of the best. God bless. 



Sunday, August 10, 2014


Tomorrow, it will be 2 years since she passed. 

Even though it’s been a while, I can still hear the vibrant sound of her voice and the lightheartedness of her laugh. I miss the smell of her making eggs and toast in the morning. I miss seeing her walk up the driveway after she’d get her hair done on a Saturday, in her little black sweater and carrying her big black purse. I miss eating her hearty beef stew she made so well. I miss feeling the softness of her hands as she’d hold mine and ask how I was. I miss hearing her tell me as we parted, “I love you, God bless you, sleep with the angels,” and blowing me a kiss with her finger. I think what I miss the most about her, though, is her hugs and kisses - she gave the best hugs and kisses. 

She always supported me through everything, she was one of my biggest cheerleaders. I loved seeing her show up to my dance shows and my 8th grade graduation. I loved being able to call her when I was away at school, to listen to her voice, and to tell her about the new adventures I was having. It made me so happy that I was making her proud. Even though she’s gone, I can still feel how much she loved me - how much she loves me. Although time may pass and memories may fade, that is something I will never forget - her love. I cherish every moment I was able to spend with my Great-Grandma Pat. She really was the best. God bless.



Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 4th of July!

Hi everyone!

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve made a post, hope you are enjoying summer and had a wonderful Fourth of July! As Americans, we live in an amazing country. Perfect? No, but we do have the ability to make our voices heard, stand up for what we believe in, and live the life that we choose. I love how there is no defining characteristic that makes a person “American,” because we truly are a melting pot of many different cultures. Through this great diversity, we learn more about where each other come from, and we accept one another for who we are. We create bonds with people who don’t look like us, talk like us, or think the same things. And I believe through those bonds, we are united in our shared values of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all. We need to always remember that.

Anyways, I’ve been having a super fun summer! A couple weeks ago, I visited Denver, aka “The Mile High City,” taking my state count up to 5. I also went to Vegas and played a little roulette, which went surprisingly well...and was most likely beginner’s luck. This week I got work done, caught up with old friends, celebrated my little brother’s birthday, and did some fireworks with my family - which is always a BLAST. Summer seriously is the perfect time (especially if you’re on break from school like me) to just enjoy yourself. Go to the beach, see a movie, take an airplane ride to somewhere new - the possibilities are endless. Just make sure to include the people you love in your adventures, take pics, and have fun! God bless.

