Sunday, August 10, 2014


Tomorrow, it will be 2 years since she passed. 

Even though it’s been a while, I can still hear the vibrant sound of her voice and the lightheartedness of her laugh. I miss the smell of her making eggs and toast in the morning. I miss seeing her walk up the driveway after she’d get her hair done on a Saturday, in her little black sweater and carrying her big black purse. I miss eating her hearty beef stew she made so well. I miss feeling the softness of her hands as she’d hold mine and ask how I was. I miss hearing her tell me as we parted, “I love you, God bless you, sleep with the angels,” and blowing me a kiss with her finger. I think what I miss the most about her, though, is her hugs and kisses - she gave the best hugs and kisses. 

She always supported me through everything, she was one of my biggest cheerleaders. I loved seeing her show up to my dance shows and my 8th grade graduation. I loved being able to call her when I was away at school, to listen to her voice, and to tell her about the new adventures I was having. It made me so happy that I was making her proud. Even though she’s gone, I can still feel how much she loved me - how much she loves me. Although time may pass and memories may fade, that is something I will never forget - her love. I cherish every moment I was able to spend with my Great-Grandma Pat. She really was the best. God bless.

