Sunday, May 11, 2014

Why Mother's Day?

“Do your laundry.” “Eat your vegetables.” “You’re not wearing that out, are you?” “I told you so”. These are just a few of the phrases you might have heard your mother tell you at some point in time. Today is Mother’s Day, but why do mothers have their own special day in the first place?  I mean, all they seem to do is nag and make our lives so much more difficult than they really need to be...right? 

First off, they would always get on us to do those annoying chores around the house. If we didn’t make our beds, if we didn’t wash the dishes, if we didn’t clean the bathrooms, we would not hear the end of it until it was done, and done well for that matter. And what about the way they would yell, over and over, until we finally did whatever it was they asked us to do. They grounded us when we didn’t get good grades or came home past our curfew. Even now, they scold us when we make bad choices, and they pester us until we finally figure out how to solve our problems. Sometimes, they can just be so irritating when they act like they know it all and tell us what we should do and how we should live, like they know a thing or two about how the world works or something...

Hold up...hang on a second. Perhaps everything I just said IS the reason that mother’s deserve a special day of recognition. I believe their job is one of the hardest, most important ones out there, because mothers have the job of raising the people of the world. All of that time and energy they spend badgering us when we make mistakes and worrying about us when we don’t want them to is the source of our growth as individuals. 

So at this time, I would like to say from the bottom of my heart - thank you Mom. Thank you for making sure I got all my homework and chores done. Thank you for reminding me to eat healthy and take care of myself. Thank you for all the times you’ve yelled at me and punished me when I deserved it. Thank you for not tolerating any disrespect or defiance from my mouth. Because if you hadn’t, who knows where I'd be or what kind of person I'd be. Everything you’ve done has been for my own good. You’ve helped me to become a well-mannered, virtuous, decent human being, and maybe even then some. And finally, you’ve given me the tools I need to live a full, wonderful life. If I ever forget to remind you, just know that you are always appreciated and loved. 

And that is why there is a Mother's Day. Happy Mother’s Day everyone! God bless.



Sunday, May 4, 2014

Go For It.

Hey everyone!

If anybody knows about trying things out and getting rejected, it’s me. I definitely know how it feels to be told over and over that you didn’t make the cut for something, whether it's a job, a position in an organization, or even a relationship. Yeah, it’s not the best feeling, but the way I see it is this: if you don't give yourself the chance to succeed, you won't. It's better to try and not get something you want, than not try at all and think about what could have been. People might tell you no, but that's only their words. Who’s to say that you don’t have what it takes to accomplish your goals? A teacher once told me, “The only person who can stop you is YOU.” And it’s so true! By telling yourself you “can’t” do something or you’re “not good enough,” you already set yourself up for disappointment. I challenge you to convince yourself otherwise - that you ARE good enough, despite what ANYONE says or however many times you fail. Because, in the words of the gypsy-lady from “The Haunted Mansion” movie, “The only true failure is when you stop trying.” 

No matter how many times you get knocked down, keep getting back up! Let all of the rejections and “no’s” pump you up; let them get your blood boiling and your heart racing; let them make you even more determined to beat the odds. Life’s too short to sit around and wait for something good to happen to you. We have the ability to make our dreams a reality, we just need to believe it for ourselves. Take chances, take the falls as they come, and keep steppin'. Who knows, you might surprise yourself one day. Have an awesome week! God bless.

